Homeschooling Highschool~From my Heart

boy with dad norman rockwellAlthough homeschooling highschoolers causes me to doubt myself more than I used to in the past, I would not trade this season with my teens for anything in the world. Watching boys grow into young men and being able to spend quality time with them during these years is so precious. In spite of the fact that it is rewarding, worthwhile,  and even hilarious at times, homeschooling highschool is challenging. The difficulty comes with the realization that the time is running short and there are still 100 books to read, 1000 conversations to have, and many family activities that have been put on the back burner for another day. There are subjects we have not covered and world view lessons that are still on the schedule. I remind my husband of field trips that did not occur and life skill coaching that has not happened yet. I plead with him, “Honey, will you please teach the boys how to change a tire.” I could go on and on.  My thoughts wander….we never really tackled the Old Testament and did not memorize enough….never took a CPR course…did not volunteer enough…need more geography and map work. It’s shocking to a homeschool mom’s psyche when high hopes and dreams are looking dimmer each year into highschool. I want to stop the clock and put a freeze on these years and because I know what’s coming up next…a wave of melancholy flows over me when I realize that I’m nearly done with this homescholing adventure. My heart aches. I’m trusting in God to fill in the gaps for me…I’m praying He will multiply my efforts and continue to work in the lives of these young men. I count my blessings…I’m grateful for these days and years. Watching old movies together and reading great books as a family…sharing oodles of meals and realizing my boys are great little chefs. Fellowship with like-minded families and watching teens interact…now that is often very entertaining! Staying up late with dad and playing grown-up sports like tennis…another blessing. Watching them perform in concerts or playing the piano at home fills my heart with joy. In spite of my fears and insecurities,  my cup  runneth over! His grace is sufficient for our family!  I am blessed to have this opportunity to enjoy these very rich years of homeschooling highschool….I would not have it any other way or change a single thing.

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