I found these quotes written down in an old journal….Sadly, I did not record who wrote them. They are probably from a book on child training. Do you not agree wholeheartedly with them?
Eternal Vigilance- “It means never to leave the outposts unguarded. It means to be so jealous of that child for God and for his future that you do not dare to leave the training of his mind and soul to the care of godless teachers.”
“The child’s brain and soul must be properly nourished with the best that music, literature, science, art, healthy pleasures and the Bread of Life can give. Great eternal things must crowd out base, low things.”
“From your obedience to God, a strength, a power will come. It will give you a driving force, an energy, an enthusiasm that can be gained nowhere else. It will give you a passion to save the soul of your child.”
“Are you taking time to teach your child reverence for God’s word and helping him to hide verses away in his heart so that when the storms of life and the temptations of youth come his faith cannot be shaken?”