My dearest friend and homeschool mentor wrote this article about her journey of understanding and growth regarding Halloween. I hope it will minister to you as you travel your road of growth and understanding as well. She has a humble heart and wishes to share this so that others who are seeking answers or possibly deciding to eliminate this holiday, will not feel so alone. ~Anne
From the Heart…
Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the colors, the weather, the anticipation of the holidays, the routine the season brings. I was happy to put out my fall porch decorations last week. They are nothing too special, but the colorful pumpkins and flowers greet me, and remind me of this beautiful, thank filled season. Yet, every year, my delight in the season is shadowed by a different holy day, blaring from every store window and isle, with all the gore and ghoul associated with this holiday. Yes, Halloween is the thief… that interesting “holiday” that is marketed to children and families, yet is saturated with the blatant celebration of death, gore and evil.
While I was hesitant, and afraid of being controversial, I decided to bring up this subject that troubles my heart every year at this time. Let me say quickly, that my repulsion towards Halloween was a process, a journey, and I realize your family may come to a different conclusion as you seek the Lord on this issue. Still, I will share a little of my story, in case someone else is struggling or feeling uncomfortable or praying about this for their family. I hope my heart comes through, and that you know this discussion is not fueled by any type of self righteousness. Rather, I simply wanted to bring up the discussion in case others might be evaluating what the Lord is desiring for their family.
Many years ago, in my pre-children days, I was the one on the planning committee for my church Halloween party, having a blast, making costumes, etc. My only associations with Halloween were fun and festive. It was in that masquerade of fun, that I think the truth behind this day was hiding, even from Christians and churches. It appears that for the most part, it still is. Read more...