Hinds Feet on High Places

SAF_HindsFeetOnHighPlacesI first read Hannah Hurnard’s beloved allegory when I was a young idealistic girl just beginning my walk with Christ.   I never forgot this book which meant so much to me back then, and wanted to read it again with my children.  This moving story, has even more meaning to me now as an older Mom who has been through the measure of sorrow and suffering that is often the case as we journey through this broken world.  If you have walked with sorrow and suffering you will  appreciate this very enjoyable story of a girl named Much-Afraid who decides to follow the Good Shepherd leaving behind  her fearing relatives and walk to the high-places to be transformed and healed spiritually and physically by the good shepherd. images

Please plan on reading this wonderful book with your children before you are finished homeschooling them. Even though this story is so important and meaningful it is an easy read and one that does not get boring.  Throughout the entire book, you will have the opportunity to discuss what the Christian faith is really all about.  What does it mean to submit to God in all circumstances…what does it cost to follow the Good Shepherd? Can He really be trusted with our lives and how will it feel to follow him even when He seems distant from us?  How does pride, self-pity, bitterness, and resentment get in our way and affect our journey of faith?

You will likely discover yourself in nearly every chapter of this book because each of us has a bit of  Much Afraid  within our hearts. Reading the allegory Hinds Feet on High Places is  faith building  because it exposes what is really going on in the heart of each of us. At the end of the book, when Much Afraid finally reaches the High Places she is given a new name.  A wonderful new name to replace Much-Afraid.  If you are curious about this new name, pick up a copy…. and be blessed as you enjoy this faith building  book with your family.  ~Anne

