
feeding-the-birdO Lord, if heedless we have been
Fighting the fight the whole year through;
If we have fallen into sin,
Seeming to have forgotten You;
Today, O Lord, we halt our pace,
To thank Thee for Thy kindly grace,

Through all the turmoil and the strife,
Through woe and weal, through pomp and pride;
Through troubles of our business life
May we acknowledge you our guide.
The prayers that nightly we should say,
Dear Lord, we offer You today.

Headlong we’ve rushed from day to day,
Content to know “Thy will be done;”
Neglecting oft to kneel and pray,
When darkness hid the setting sun.
But oh! dear Father, now we bend,
A prayer of gratitude to send.

The many gifts You have bestowed,  family praying in the morning
Mutely and dumbly we received;
Grumbling as neath a stinging goad,
And showing not that we believed;
Taking Your blessings, gracious Lord,
Not giving back one thankful word.

But, Father, now we bend the knee,
And offer up our grateful prayer;
Though we have walked away from Thee,
Restore us to your gracious care.
For what ingratitude we’ve shown,
Dear Lord, today we would atone.

Edgar Guest

Thanks to God (Lyrics & Chords)

couple praying

G                                                Am                            D7
Thanks to God for my redeemer. Thanks for all thou dost provide.
G                                 C                                D7                G
Thanks for times now but a memory. Thanks for Jesus by my side.
C                                G                               A7                          D
Thanks for pleasant balmy springtime. Thanks for dark and dreary fall.
G                         C                                          G     D7              G
Thanks for tears by now forgotten. Thanks for peace within my soul.

                               G                                      Am                                D7                       G
Thanks for prayers that thou has answered. Thanks for what thou dost deny.
G                                     C                                   D7                           G
Thanks for storms that I have weathered. Thanks for all thou dost supply.
C                                    G                                           A7                D
Thanks for pain and thanks for pleasure. Thanks for comfort in despair.
G                                   C                                     G         D7             G
Thanks for grace that none can measure. Thanks for love beyond compare.
G                        Am                                  D7                              G
Thanks for roses by the wayside. Thanks for thorns their stems contain.
G                                    C                                    D7                           G
Thanks for home and thanks for fireside. Thanks for hope that sweet refrain.
C                                     G                                     A7                            D
Thanks for joy and thanks for sorrow. Thanks for heavenly peace with thee!
G                         C                                           G    D7 G
Thanks for hope in the tomorrow. Thanks through all eternity.
G  D7  G
Thanks through all eternity!

Glad to be Sheltered

the good shepherdBecause this topic of sheltering is so important and still comes up now and then, even in homeschooling circles, I feel compelled to share a few thoughts.  The subject of sheltering or protecting one’s children,  may be subtly mentioned at a gathering of homeschool moms, at the curbside with a neighbor,  or even at church. Many folks these days….even some homeschoolers,  are quite proud of the fact that they do not believe in “over” sheltering their children. They confidently  declare, “I don’t believe in sheltering my children because I want them to know how to make it in the real world” or “I think children need to be given plenty of freedom so that they can make mistakes while still under our roof. ” In the past, especially when our children were younger, folks have actually suggested that my husband and I are sheltering our children so much that when they are on their own they will turn completely wild; having no self-control whatsoever. Clearly, there are no guarantees, and  because our children have free will,  sadly, it is possibly that they may go astray.  Regardless of this sad fact,  we parents are called to be watchman, good shepherds,  and gate-keepers for our families.

These ideas of permissive parenting, make me pause and wonder…where is the verse in the Bible that mentions: “Thou shalt expose thy children to plenty of wrongdoing , so that when they are older they will not partake any longer.”  My husband and I work at protecting our children from temptations and even though we are conscious of this all the time, sadly, we have sometimes failed.  No matter how careful we are, because we live in this world  and battle with our old sin nature,  each of us will  be exposed to evil.   Yet, when  someone speaks ill of  the idea of sheltering children, I feel grieved and disappointed and begin to wonder what they want their children to be exposed to anyway.  Aren’t we all exposed enough just living in this world?  Do they want to add to this by allowing their children to watch R rated programs, hang out with neighbor kids at the liquor store, have access to the internet, go to dances, attend drinking parties, hang out with unbelievers…what?  Not really.  It seems that for Christian families, it may sound more like….”I want my children to participate in sleep-overs, have plenty of unsupervised conversation with peers, and very limited time with family…especially mom and dad.”  “I want them to be very active in youth programs and church activities away from our own family.”  Maybe they won’t admit that…but that’s the way it plays out. One dear Christian friend of mine who’s son began taking drugs, remarked “I don’t know what happened, he was in youth group at church all the time!” I pray that the Lord will help us to connect the dots and realize that often our difficulties arise  because of our own bad choices.

Have you ever passed by a really stinky garbage can? You know it is so offensive and smelly that you walk around it, hopefully avoiding the awful stench. It may have dirty diapers, old chicken bones, moldy food, maybe even maggots crawling around in it. You can tell just by walking by, that it is something to be avoided. It never occurs to us that we should examine it closer…perhaps rummaging through the contents a bit.   We would never taste of its contents to see how awful and  unacceptable it is.   If we are exposed to the rotten food, and actually taste it…..would that be helpful and give us tools to survive in the real world?

I’m sure you get my sarcasm here and understand my point.  My husband and I are careful to discuss what’s going on in this world with our children as we don’t want them to be ignorant, naive and vulnerable.  Surely, they are going to know about the contents in that trash can. We are exposed all the time just by keeping up with current events on the news.  Even with careful gatekeeping and sheltering our children will see things that will make us cringe. It is impossible to protect them from everything because we live in such a wicked generation.  Although our children will know about the evil and sin in the world,  they will not need to hang out with it.

We believe in sheltering our children. My husband believes in sheltering me and I shelter him. Thankfully our Lord shelters us…and may He never stop. He shelters us like a good shepherd….He leads us beside the still waters.  He leads us in the paths of righteousness.  Praise be to God that He doesn’t send us to places where we will be vulnerable and tempted to sin. Thanks to the Lord that He reminds us to run from evil…even the appearances of evil.norman-rockwell-freedom-from-fear

May the Lord bless you as you train and disciple your children…protecting and sheltering them as the Lord shelters us. ~Anne

(Rom. 12:1-2), “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

(Isaiah 40:11) He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.

(Mark 9:42) And whosoever shall offend one of [these] little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

Psalm 23:1-4 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.  He restores my soul.  He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.  Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Why Are Folks Visiting Educators at Home?

woman by windowI’ve probably had this website for over 10 years now.  I would say this site is a combination of spiritual stuff, political opinion, and homeschooling encouragement.  It reflects my passions in life.  I love my Lord Jesus, and although I fail him daily, I walk with him as I stumble through each day.  So, I post about Him…songs, poetry, etc.  I love my country too and am heartsick about the direction it is heading.  So I post patriotic poems, prayers for America and information about those things that undermine our liberties here in this great land.  Homeschooling is something I care about deeply too because it allows folks to pass on their values to their children.  Homeschooling is the best way to mentor and teach our precious kiddos.  Homeschooling helps keep us free.

Lately, I do not post much and I’m somewhat uninspired.  Homeschooling highschool keeps me out of my home more and so I don’t have the opportunity to spend so much time at the computer.  Sometimes though, I like to visit the back page of this website and I’m able to see what folks are viewing.  I can see what country or state they are visiting from and what they have been searching for….why they have landed at Educatorsathome.   Guess what I’ve found?  Guess what folks are interested in? Guess what is the most interesting item for folks these days? Cinnamon Rolls! The last 100 hits to this site have been to view a recipe using Bisquick baking mix to make cinnamon roles.  I have some recipes here at Educators at Home but these are not something I’m so passionate about….they are just for fun.   Well, evidently I should have started a website about Bisquick recipes.  I would have been so popular by now.   But then….I’ve never been the popular type. I sure do hope there are other folks who care about God, America and Homeschooling.


Only Jesus Saves

jesus saves church

My church cannot save me and your church cannot save you. This is because no church died for us. No pope, prophet, no apostle no bishop, no pastor, no evangelist can save us, because none of them
died for us. But here is the name of the one who did die for us. It is JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! Only
Jesus saves! God bless you. Only He can save us, Only He can heal us, Only He can fix us JESUS!!!!
