Jesus is Not Dead Anymore

The Resurrection_day_This poem was written by a 15 year old homeschooler whom we are blessed to know. When I asked for his permission to publish this on my site he responded that it is his prayer that anyone who reads his poem would be reminded of the great love that our Savior has for them AND the great price that each of us was purchased at.

Jesus Christ came to earth and died for us,

And He paid for all our sins upon the cross;

Through death all the sins of the world he bore,

But Jesus Christ is not dead anymore!


Jesus said, “After three days I’ll rise.”

And it happened just like Jesus prophesied,

And men witnessed the resurrected Lord.

Weep not for He is not dead anymore!


Satan may have thought he had victory

But death can’t keep his hold on the Almighty

Instead death has been conquered by our Lord

For our Savior is not dead anymore!


How can Jesus die, He who was righteous?

He was, not for His, but our sins, on the cross

but Jesus was shown to be righteous for

the Holy One is not dead anymore!


Just as Jesus Christ was raised from the dead,

God will raise His children, just as His Word said,

For the glory of God, we’ll be raised for
