A Slice of Life

cozy christmasGod Bless you all this Christmas Day

And drive the cares and griefs away.

Oh, may the shining Bethlehem star

Which led the wise men from afar

Upon your heads, good sirs, still glow

To light the path that ye should go.

As God once blessed stable grim

And made it radiant for Him;

As it was fit to shield His Son,

May thy roof be a holy one;

May all who come this house to share

Rest sweetly in His gracious care.

Within thy walls may peace abide,

The peace for which the Saviour died.

Though humble be the rafters here,

Above them may the stars shine clear,

And in this home thou lovest well

May excellence of spirit dwell.

God Bless you all this Christmas day;

My Bethlehem’s star still light thy way

And guide thee to the perfect peace

When every fear and doubt shall cease.

And may thy home such glory know

As did the stable long ago.

By Edgar Guest
