Why Aren’t you at School?

Norman-Rockwell-schoolCertain books seem to demand the reader to more closely  examine  one’s worldview or convictions. These are worthwhile reads to me and are not twaddle or a waste of time.  Even though I do not read as much as I would like to, books that encourage lively discussions with my family and friends are something that I seek out and delight in. Although I don’t usually choose science fiction type books, reading Fahrenheit 451  caused me to ponder and analyze how I really felt about books…even evil ones. Should they be banned…or destroyed?  The Lord tells us to think about those things which are lovely, and pure and good….to me this means to read about those good things as well. However, even the Bible reveals what evil and sin looks like. Fahrenheit 451 helped me realize that although I may not choose to read certain books, they should be allowed to be written and read…and exist. God has given us the freedom to exchange information and learn new things…this should never be denied by man. Fahrenheit 451 which is a distopian (rather than utopian) novel because of it’s frighting, futuristic, totalitarian setting , was so compelling  because of the many parallels to our world today.

I was reminded of this book again while visiting The Blaze where I found the following quotes from this novel. Check out this conversation about school and socialization. Many of us homeschoolers have had to defend our choice to homeschool when folks have asked us over and over again about our children being socialized. Ironically, I find that most homeschoolers are highly sociable and well spoken just like this young girl in the story. Read on….you will be amazed.

A Father’s Prayer


Lord, make me tolerant and wise;
Incline my ears to hear him through;
Let him not stand with downcast eyes,
Fearing to trust me and be true.
Instruct me so that I may know
The way my son and I should go.

When he shall err, as once did I,
Or boyhood folly bids him stray,
Let me not into anger fly
And drive the good in him away.
Teach me to win his trust, that he
Shall keep no secret hid from me.

Lord, strengthen me that I may be .
A fit example for my son.
Grant he may never hear or see
A shameful deed that I have done.
However sorely I am tried,
Let me not undermine his pride.

In spite of years and temples gray,
Still let my spirit beat with joy;
Teach me to share in all his play
And be a comrade with my boy.
Wherever we may chance to be,
Let him find happiness with me.

Lord, as his father, now I pray
For manhood’s strength and counsel wise;
Let me deal justly, day by day,
In all that fatherhood implies.
To be his father, keep me fit;
Let me not play the hypocrite!
Edgar Albert Guest

Eternal Vigilance

victorian familyI found these quotes written down in an old journal….Sadly,  I did not record who wrote them. They are probably from a book on child training. Do you not agree wholeheartedly with them?

Eternal Vigilance- “It means never to leave the outposts unguarded.  It means to be so jealous of that child for God and for his future that you do not dare to leave the training of his mind and soul to the care of godless teachers.”

“The child’s brain and soul must be properly nourished with the best that music, literature, science, art, healthy pleasures and the Bread of Life can give.  Great eternal things must crowd out base, low things.”

“From your obedience to God, a strength, a power will come.  It will give you a driving force, an energy, an enthusiasm that can be gained nowhere else.  It will give you a passion to save the soul of your child.”

“Are you taking time to teach your child reverence for God’s word and helping him to hide verses away in his heart so that when the storms of life and the temptations of youth come his faith cannot be shaken?”



