The Mystery of Life

prayingman300pxI love this poem by Helen Steiner Rice as it reflects so much of what I feel on some days.  Knowing that the “great giver of life” is holding my hand is such a comfort to me.  

We walk in a world that is strange and unknown, and in the midst of the crowd we still feel alone,

We question our purpose, our part and our place in this vast land of mystery suspended in space

We probe and explore and try hard to explain the tumult of thoughts that our minds entertain.

But all of our probings and complex explanations, of man’s inner feelings and fears and frustrations

Still leave us engulfed in the “mystery of life” with all of its struggles and suffering and strife,

Unable to fathom what tomorrow will bring- but there is one truth to which we can cling.

For while life’s a mystery we can’t understand, the “great giver of life” is holding our hand

And safe in His care there is no need for seeing, For “in Him we live and move and have our being.”

~Helen Steiner Rice




Second Sight

mother readingJPGI cannot weave a tapestry, whose vibrant colors gleam,
But I can thread a needle, and sew a little seam.
I have no silver notes to turn into a lovely song,
But I can sit and listen to the tune and hum along.

I cannot preach a sermon, to edify the year,
But I can say a little prayer, the Lord can always hear.
I cannot climb a mountain, all wreathed in clouds of white,
But I can walk a woodland path, and feel my heart grow light.

I cannot paint a masterpiece, I cannot carve in stone,
But there is something I can do, that is my very own.
for though I do not weave or climb, nor paint, or carve, or sing,
Somehow I find a bit of God….in every living thing.
~Grace E. Easley

A Homeschool Mom’s Prayer


A Prayer from my heart as I continue on this homeschool journey.

Precious Lord and Savior I come to you with praise and adoration because you are a good God  full of mercy and forgiveness. You have forgiven all of our sins and remember them no more! You supply all of our needs and pour your blessings upon our family and homeschool. You care about our little world, our home, our everyday ordinary lives even while you know we are but dust. You allow me to come to You with each small question, before each subject that we study…even  Algebra. How awesome you are Lord being the master mathematician. Surely, our family will trust You to help us. Lord I praise You because your strength is made perfect in my weakness…my insecurities…my impatience. I will trust you with our homeschool, our children, our family. I doubt myself  everyday….but I do not doubt You Lord and know that You can be trusted with our lives. You are faithful even when we are not. You are faithful to complete the work You have begun in us even when we fail so much of the time. We will glorify you our King because we know that any measure of success is because of You.

Oh Lord as I navigate through each new season of homeschooling, it sometimes feels as though I’m walking in the darkness especially during these highschool years. Your holy word reminds me that if I commit my works unto you that my thoughts will be established.  Your word reminds me that I can ask in faith for wisdom and you will not deny this but will give it freely.

Why They Won’t Listen

I thought this message by Ken Ham was a good one for believers to take note of.  In the past sharing the gospel was easier in some ways because of a certain consensus that existed in the general population. Most folks believed in God, perhaps even the 10 commandments.  Many had a general knowledge of Christianity. Charles Darwin’s theories were not  a consideration because even non-religious folks believed in a creator.  Sharing today may be somewhat complicated and require more of us in order to be understood by a very lost culture.  What do you think about this message?  ~Anne



Kids Do Not Belong to Their Parents

I used to watch MSNBC once in a while just so I could hear the liberal point of view.  Now, I do not.  My eyes are wide open these days and I understand that progressives will never even listen to an opposing opinion.  They are intolerant and do not believe in free speech at all.  They practice group-think and reject a free exchange of ideas.  Nevertheless I wanted to post what one MSNBC host believes about your children.  These folks are not even attempting to hide their Marxist ideologies anymore.

The Apple Cart

lady with applesI received this short story in my email this morning and thought it was a good one to share or read to our children.  I can easily imagine using  this as a flannel graph story for little ones.

A few years ago a group of salesmen went to a regional sales convention in Chicago . They had assured their wives that they would be home in plenty of time for Friday night’s dinner. In their rush, with tickets and briefcases, one of these salesmen inadvertently kicked over a table which held a display of apples. Apples flew everywhere. Without stopping or looking back, they all managed to reach the plane in time for their nearly-missed boarding.

ALL BUT ONE!!! He paused, took a deep breath, got in touch with his feelings and experienced a twinge of compassion for the girl whose apple stand had been overturned. He told his buddies to go on without him, waved good-bye, told one of them to call his wife when they arrived at their home destination and explain his taking a later flight. Then he returned to the terminal where the apples were all over the terminal floor. He was glad he did. The 16-year-old girl was totally blind! She was softly crying, tears running down her cheeks in frustration, and at the same time helplessly groping for her spilled produce as the crowd swirled about her; no one stopping and no one to care for her plight.
