Discussing the various homeschool programs and curricula available used to be a favorite topic of mine. Pouring over catalogs while I drink my afternoon tea is still something I enjoy on occasion, however my enthusiasm is somewhat waning these days. There was a season when I believed that a perfect curriculum, producing amazing results in my children, could actually be found in one of those catalogs. Now though after homeschooling for over 10 years, I’ve come to realize that just as there is no perfect church, there is no such thing as a perfect curriculum. Probably any curriculum would produce satisfactory results as long as it is used consistently. The problem comes when we teachers just don’t enjoy using certain programs because they are not as clear as we would like, or perhaps too teacher intensive. Some programs have excessive busy work and we homeschoolers realize more than most that there are not enough years to cover all we want to teach….so we happily trash the busy work. With that being said, I do have some favorites that I’d like to share with you. The following programs worked better for our family.