Our God Reigns

While driving home from a homeschool science class today I noticed all the flags flying high in honor of Veterans day. All these flags I thought…how sad it made me instead of proud. I’m so very appreciative of our soldiers but after this past election,  not of my countrymen and women. I was telling a friend that it felt as though someone has died…I feel so sad and distressed.  She said someone has died…our country has died. It sure feels that way to me. Then as I drove along the road the song Our God Reigns came into my head. I began singing while my boys respectfully listened as they often do when I break into song. 🙂 Our God reigns, Our God reigns, Our God Reigns, Our God Reigns!!! I thought about the crowds who yelled “Hail Obama” at one of his gatherings. No, not hail Obama….All hail king Jesus, All hail Emanuel! King of Kings, Lord of Lords! Then I remembered what my son said on our way to his orthodontic appointment. “God has a plan Mom, God has a plan.”  If I keep my eyes on the Lord, remembering that He is leading and reigning over us, I will be able to get through the coming years even with an America that I do not recognize. Indeed, our God Reigns!!!

“When principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then battle is your calling, and peace has become sin; you must, at the price of dearest peace, lay your convictions bare before friend and enemy, with all the fire of your faith.”

Abraham Kuyper(1837-1920)

Elections Have Consequences

This is probably just the tip of the tip of the iceberg in the continuation of our Presidents fundamental transformation in our America. During his victory speech  he declared that “the task of perfecting our union moves forward.” Wow…..will this reflect traditional America in any way? Will the constitution be considered in this perfection of America project?

This morning in my email box a letter from Michael Farris spoke of the fact that the fight for parental rights just became more difficult because we now face 53 socialists (Democrats) who are eager to pass the UN resolution on the rights of the child. We will lose our parental rights if our representatives vote to give our children to the United Nations. This seems  like  science fiction  to me….could this actually happen in our America as it has in Germany? After this past election, no longer naive, it is believable because  the American people have shown their true colors….they value free stuff over freedom. The tax payers and devoted workers must face that fact that they need to work even harder to support the 51% of folks who are dependent on government benefits. These people will continue to vote for the democrats who promise to take care of them. It is clear that we are living in a country of “givers” and “takers.”  Sadly and shockingly, this election the takers have won. Freedom and parental rights evidently are not a priority to the “takers.” Elections have consequences.

Lingering Questions?

Did you know that our ambassador to Libya was killed in our own consulate in Benghazi on the night of September 11.

Why was  NO EFFORT  made to help rescue our Ambassador?

As an ordinary citizen, wouldn’t you have  decided to send extra security especially on September 11th?

Why does the main stream media always give this administration a pass…even when folks have died? 

Did you know that the President and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that a anti-Muslim youtube video made by and American was the cause of all of this?

Why are they blaming a video instead of Islamic terrorists? Did you know that the man who made this video was arrested…and is still behind bars?  

Is it illegal in America to make a video against Islam…what about Christianity?  My head is spinning with questions…is yours?

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