40 Days of Praying for America

Folks across America are beginning a pre-election 40 days of fervent prayer. People are in prayer and also fasting because our America is in such deep trouble. This election is so important and many do not even realize what is at stake or what is taking place.

As you already know, we are declining in every way.  Morally, spiritually, financially…we are also divided in many ways.  Many of our politicians and leaders in both political parties have let us down.  Corruption, bribery, dishonesty, greed and waste reign. Our leaders hang out with Hollywood, elitists, communists,  and even members of terrorist organizations. They live immoral lifestyles and celebrate this as being cool, modern and progressive.  They are foul mouthed and gluttonous in their lifestyles. They live like kings and yet require each of us to lower our standard of living when they deny themselves nothing. They are poor examples for our children and we cannot count on good leadership from them.   Where are the men and women of integrity?   Where are those who applaud decency and a good work ethic.  Where are those who support the stay-at-home Mother instead of poking fun at her.
