Although Socrates admonished that “The unexamined life is not worth living,” in some ways it seems self-indulgent …..always questioning…..always examining our own lives and activities. Still, in our family, since we’ve begun this homeschool journey, evaluating our curriculum, our methods, our goals, our daily activities, and even our attitudes is par for the course. This time set aside for reflection and examination helps to refocus and set goals. It renews our vision and sets straight our path once again. One of the benefits of this close evaluation is that we remember the big picture and the real reason we homeschool.
What are we hoping to accomplish and why have we chosen this homeschooling lifestyle? Academic excellence is not our main destination and some subjects may not impress. We realize and remember that “there are no guarantees in this life,” yet we press on because we must do what God commands; teach and train our own children. To tell them the stories of God’s faithfulness in our own lives and the lives of those who came before us. To speak of this often…when we arise, during the day and when we retire at the end of our day. Trusting in God to fill in the gaps when we fall short, we are doing our best at:
training future leaders and……looking generations ahead.
We are leading by inspiration……and by example
We are teaching repentance and……preserving traditions and customs.
We are training our future grandchildren and…….maintaining close family ties.