A Beka History~America Land That I Love

Although my husband and I often read historical fiction and biographies with our boys,  I certainly appreciate the A Beka history program and have found their textbooks to be interesting, informative and easy to read.  It is an unfortunate fact of life these days that  revisionist history is everywhere…. history programs, newspaper articles, textbooks, teachers and  college professors are zealous to indoctrinate, teach and re-write American history. Sadly,  revisionist history prevails in our culture.

An almost effortless counterbalance to this assault on history would be to pick up some used Abeka history books….any grade level  and read through them with your family.  So much of the information makes for good discussion around the dinner table as well.  We have read through the A Beka history books since kindergarten and find them to be quite interesting even for a  textbook.  Refreshingly, God’s providential hand is never overlooked.  Here is a sample of  America, Land that I Love; 8th grade 

John Adams was one of the first leaders to call attention to the dangers of the French Revolution.  He is called the Father of American Conservatism because (1) his belief in freedom with responsibility and (2) his defense of the Constitution as a document which checked the selfish nature of man.  Conservatives are those who believe that there are eternal values that need to be conserved.  They insist that if Americans leave God, decency, morality, and self restraint out of their thinking and living,  American liberty will not last.  John Adams wrote regarding the violence, bloodshed , and atheism of the French Revolution: Is there a possibility that the government of nations may fall into the hands of men who teach … that men are but fireflies, and that this all [ referring to God’s creation] is without a Father?
