Are You Bored Son?

When I was a little girl, I was careful never to grumble out the words “Mom, I’m bored…there’s nothing to dooooo!” If I did happen to express these thoughts my dear mom would remark in her Bostonian accent, “Oh, I’ll give you something to do.” My mom would then usually point to the cleaning that must be done in the kitchen, bathroom or parlor. I can still hear her words, “You kids need to start helping out around here!”

I guess the old saying is true, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, I am my Mother after all!” I find that I do not tolerate these words very well either, and it is fortunate for my children that they are rarely bored. They have quickly learned that only boring people are bored and chores will miraculously clear up their dull and disinterested dispositions. Curiously, homeschoolers seem to rarely suffer from this ailment. Perhaps it is  because they are accustomed to spending more time at home, filling up their days with useful tasks.

None of our family members are bored because there are always irons in the fire….books to read, projects to complete, cleaning  etc. Our struggles though, are in making the right choice  or best choice about how we will spend our time. Choosing a video game or watching a video often is our choice instead of something more commendable.
Because my boys sometimes seem to need more direction and instruction, I’ve prepared a list for them to use when they are having a difficult time choosing worthy tasks to fill up their day. I hope you will enjoy our list and perhaps come up with some ideas for your family. Enjoy your children….they grow up so fast. Life is too short to be bored!  ~Anne
