Freedom of Religion Not Allowed

Sadly, these type of stories are “a dime a dozen”  nowadays.  I’m so accustomed to hearing  them that I’m becoming less and less appalled. This one made me really grouchy though.  Perhaps because the prayer is so worthy, or maybe because I’m beginning a study on the Constitution, but this particular story really  aroused my anger enough and prompted me to post.

Sixteen-year- old atheist Jessica Ahlquist who attends Cranston High School in Rhode Island found this mural which has been displayed for decades to be offensive. In January, U.S. District Court Judge Ronald Lagueux agreed with the young woman and found this expression of faith to be unconstitutional. I’m afraid this activist judge would have to find the Constitution to be unconstitutional because God is not left out of it.

Jessica is thrilled with the ruling and the schools have decided not to appeal because of the costs.  Once again the minority atheist has prevailed and our religious freedoms have been chipped away even further. Perhaps this young lady and activist judge believes that we are to have “freedom from religion” instead of “freedom of religion.” Perhaps  a copy of the 1st amendment should be displayed in this very spot.  Maybe the students should gather and pray this wonderful prayer  each morning…….oh silly me…. …this is a government school…at government schools…. ..prayer is also unconstitutional nowadays.

                             Our Heavenly Father
