A Beka History~America Land That I Love

Although my husband and I often read historical fiction and biographies with our boys,  I certainly appreciate the A Beka history program and have found their textbooks to be interesting, informative and easy to read.  It is an unfortunate fact of life these days that  revisionist history is everywhere…. history programs, newspaper articles, textbooks, teachers and  college professors are zealous to indoctrinate, teach and re-write American history. Sadly,  revisionist history prevails in our culture.

An almost effortless counterbalance to this assault on history would be to pick up some used Abeka history books….any grade level  and read through them with your family.  So much of the information makes for good discussion around the dinner table as well.  We have read through the A Beka history books since kindergarten and find them to be quite interesting even for a  textbook.  Refreshingly, God’s providential hand is never overlooked.  Here is a sample of  America, Land that I Love; 8th grade 

John Adams was one of the first leaders to call attention to the dangers of the French Revolution.  He is called the Father of American Conservatism because (1) his belief in freedom with responsibility and (2) his defense of the Constitution as a document which checked the selfish nature of man.  Conservatives are those who believe that there are eternal values that need to be conserved.  They insist that if Americans leave God, decency, morality, and self restraint out of their thinking and living,  American liberty will not last.  John Adams wrote regarding the violence, bloodshed , and atheism of the French Revolution: Is there a possibility that the government of nations may fall into the hands of men who teach … that men are but fireflies, and that this all [ referring to God’s creation] is without a Father?

To Encourage & Embolden

I am blessed to be able to attend a church where the word of God is not watered down. When I leave, I do not feel as though I’ve attended a self-improvement course or motivational meeting. In other words our preacher does not waste his time on “twaddle” but digs deeply into the word of God.  I enjoy a good old fashioned sermon that convicts,  but even if our pastor simply stood and read God’s word to us that would be enough. It would be more than enough because God’s word is powerful and has every thing we need for instruction in righteousness. God’s word is LIVING…it is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. I hope these verses will encourage, embolden and comfort you as you train and disciple your children.  ~Anne

Deuteronomy 6:5-9
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Beginning our Homeschool Journey

The years have flown.  It seems like only yesterday we set up our homeschool classroom complete with the Pledge of Allegiance adorned on our wall,  desks full of new school supplies, and   brand- new shiny workbooks and readers.  I was so excited to begin teaching my children  but had no idea what this homeschool journey would actually look like….I didn’t know how marvelous and fulfilling it would be or how much it would change our family.  As an idealistic and very eager homeschool mom,  I did not envision or understand that in addition to my children learning,  I would also experience growth and  change.   The focus was on my children, but now I understand that biblical homeschooling requires the whole family to transform and learn together.  In those early days , I heard someone describe homeschooling as a “lifestyle”.  I was somewhat puzzled by this description, but now I understand completely.

Undoubtedly,  I would be teaching my children reading, writing and arithmetic, but I also would spend a great deal of time praying for patience…. for wisdom and working on character issues…with my children…. and myself.  In order to homeschool independently and biblically,   the emphasis would have to be on training and discipleship because the Bible is clear on this  calling for parents.   If our dear children did not obey, how could we ever hope to teach them?   We had to choose  curriculum carefully making sure it reflected a biblical worldview,  and my husband soon became a prayer partner and homeschool advocate as well.  Even our dear Grandma joined in to help with some subjects.

Are You Bored Son?

When I was a little girl, I was careful never to grumble out the words “Mom, I’m bored…there’s nothing to dooooo!” If I did happen to express these thoughts my dear mom would remark in her Bostonian accent, “Oh, I’ll give you something to do.” My mom would then usually point to the cleaning that must be done in the kitchen, bathroom or parlor. I can still hear her words, “You kids need to start helping out around here!”

I guess the old saying is true, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, I am my Mother after all!” I find that I do not tolerate these words very well either, and it is fortunate for my children that they are rarely bored. They have quickly learned that only boring people are bored and chores will miraculously clear up their dull and disinterested dispositions. Curiously, homeschoolers seem to rarely suffer from this ailment. Perhaps it is  because they are accustomed to spending more time at home, filling up their days with useful tasks.

None of our family members are bored because there are always irons in the fire….books to read, projects to complete, cleaning  etc. Our struggles though, are in making the right choice  or best choice about how we will spend our time. Choosing a video game or watching a video often is our choice instead of something more commendable.
Because my boys sometimes seem to need more direction and instruction, I’ve prepared a list for them to use when they are having a difficult time choosing worthy tasks to fill up their day. I hope you will enjoy our list and perhaps come up with some ideas for your family. Enjoy your children….they grow up so fast. Life is too short to be bored!  ~Anne

Presidential Prayers

George Washington

A Prayer for Guidance

O eternal and everlasting God, I presume to present myself this morning before thy Divine majesty, beseeching thee to accept of my humble and hearty thanks, that it hath pleased thy great goodness to keep and preserve me the night past from all the dangers poor mortals are subject to, and has given me sweet and pleasant sleep, whereby I find my body refreshed and comforted for performing the duties of this day, in which I beseech thee to defend me from all perils of body and soul….

Increase my faith in the sweet promises of the gospel; give me repentance from dead works; pardon my wanderings, and direct my thoughts unto thyself, the God of my salvation; teach me how to live in thy fear, labor in thy service, and ever to run in the ways of thy commandments; make me always watchful over my heart, that neither the terrors of conscience, the loathing of holy duties, the love of sin, nor an unwillingness to depart this life, may cast me into a spiritual slumber, but daily frame me more and more into the likeness of thy son Jesus Christ, that living in thy fear, and dying in thy favor, I may in thy appointed time attain the resurrection of the just unto eternal life bless my family, friends, and kindred.

Thomas Jefferson

A Prayer for the Nation

Freedom of Religion Not Allowed

Sadly, these type of stories are “a dime a dozen”  nowadays.  I’m so accustomed to hearing  them that I’m becoming less and less appalled. This one made me really grouchy though.  Perhaps because the prayer is so worthy, or maybe because I’m beginning a study on the Constitution, but this particular story really  aroused my anger enough and prompted me to post.

Sixteen-year- old atheist Jessica Ahlquist who attends Cranston High School in Rhode Island found this mural which has been displayed for decades to be offensive. In January, U.S. District Court Judge Ronald Lagueux agreed with the young woman and found this expression of faith to be unconstitutional. I’m afraid this activist judge would have to find the Constitution to be unconstitutional because God is not left out of it.

Jessica is thrilled with the ruling and the schools have decided not to appeal because of the costs.  Once again the minority atheist has prevailed and our religious freedoms have been chipped away even further. Perhaps this young lady and activist judge believes that we are to have “freedom from religion” instead of “freedom of religion.” Perhaps  a copy of the 1st amendment should be displayed in this very spot.  Maybe the students should gather and pray this wonderful prayer  each morning…….oh silly me…. …this is a government school…at government schools…. ..prayer is also unconstitutional nowadays.

                             Our Heavenly Father

Happy Valentines Day

My boys recently suggested that since it was Valentines Day on Tuesday, perhaps they did not have to do their Math.  I explained to them that yes indeed they should complete their regular subjects even on Valentines Day;  Dad has to go to work, and Mom is going to still cook, clean and teach just as any other day.

I announced to them  that we would be doing something special though.  We are planning to bake delicious Valentine cupcakes and make cards with a gospel verse on them to pass out to a few of our neighbors.
The Bible is full of wonderful verses about love and Valentines day is  about expressing love to others.  When I consider what love is…true love…..I remember God,  who loved us so much that he gave his only son  to die on the cross so that we could be forgiven and live with him forever.  I recall Psalm 139 as well.  It is comforting to know that our Lord has wonderful thoughts towards us and has each hair on our head numbered. He pays much attention to our lives while we are on this earth even through trials and tribulations. Sometimes our faith is weak and we do not feel His love and care, but He can be trusted with our lives and we can take comfort in knowing that all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose- Romans 8:28.   The verse I will share in our Valentines card, most folks are familiar with:  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him-John 3:16&17. God’s love is more that we can ever comprehend. His love is greater than our love and we love him in our own puny way…because He first loved us I John 4:19.  Happy Valentines Day! ~Anne

A Man~ By Edgar Guest

I found this inspiring poem at Sofine’s Joyful Moments website.  This character building poem is one that  could be read, discussed and used as a copywork lesson.

A man doesn’t whine at his losses,
A man doesn’t whimper and fret,
Or rail at the weight of his crosses
And ask life to rear him a pet.
A man doesn’t grudgingly labor
Or look upon toil as a blight;
A man doesn’t sneer at his neighbor
Or sneak from a cause that is right.
A man doesn’t sulk when another
Succeeds where his efforts have failed;
Doesn’t keep all his praise for the brother
Whose glory is publicly hailed;
And pass by the weak and the humble
As though they were not of his clay;
A man doesn’t ceaselessly grumble
When things are not going his way.
A man looks on woman as tender
And gentle, and stands at her side
At all times to guard and defend her,
And never to scorn or deride.
A man looks on life as a mission.
To serve, just so far as he can;
A man holds his noblest ambition
On earth is to live as a man.

Grammar in Rhyme

I found this little poem at  “one room school houses”  and thought it would be useful in a grammar or copywork lesson.   Perhaps it could be memorized or even put to music.

Three little words you often see
Are Articles-a, an, and the;
A noun is the name of anything,
As school or garden, hoop or swing.

Adjectives tell the kind of noun,.
As great, small, pretty, white or brown.
Instead of Nouns, the Pronouns stand
-Her head, his face, your arm, my hand.

Verbs tell of something to be done;
To bear, count, sing, laugh, study, run.
How things are done, the Adverbs tell,
As slowly, quickly, ill, or well.
Conjunctions join the words together,
As man and woman, wind or weather.

The Prepositions stand before
A noun, as of or through a door.
‘The Interjection shows surprise,
As, ah! how pretty! oh! how wise!
The whole are called nine Parts of Speech
Which reading, writing, speaking teach.

~Author Unknown

Considering Homeschooling?

It has been nearly 30 years since I attended my first homeschool meeting and initially considered the idea of homeschooling my children. While listening to Christian radio, I heard popular radio host and father of 10,  Rich Buhler,  discuss his own family’s homeschooling journey.  Rich Buhler  described this educational option with enthusiasm and joy.   I was quite interested in exploring this further and found the whole idea of teaching children at home quite intriguing.

Although folks have been homeschooling since the beginning of time,  the modern homeschool movement began in the late 1970’s.  Parents discovered that they could indeed educate their own children, and soon realized that those who were taught at home generally excelled far beyond their public school counterparts. Those precious mothers teaching around their kitchen tables could almost always do a better job and produce more excellence than the “professionals.” I am grateful to these pioneering homeschoolers who paved the way for us today.  Although homeschooling was not technically illegal in most states the public schools treated many parents as criminals. Homeschooling was risky and not for the faint of heart. These Homeschooling parents faced threats of jail time and having their children removed from their home. Some were arrested; many were taken to court.

Nevertheless, these early years of homeschooling were exciting and extraordinary. Parents had to figure every out themselves. These pioneers were so brave and tough and even though they faced much persecution from society, they did not give up. They crafted their own curriculum, formed their own support groups, did their own research,  and prepared a course of study tailored to the needs of their individual children.
