25 Books Every Conservative Should Read

I received this list from Townhall Magazine and thought I’d share it here on Educators At Home. No doubt some of these titles are quite challenging for many of us….especially me…but if we read them the way that Mortimer Adler instructs us to in   How to Read a Book, perhaps we will have a measure of success with some of these titles.  As the main teacher in our family,  keeping myself reading and informed is a huge part of staying inspired and motivated.  My children benefit when I’m reading good books because my enthusiasm spills over to them.  When I read my Bible, my family benefits.  When I’m eating healthier, they also benefit and do the same.  If I read, I’m not quite as dull because I’m inspired to pass on whatever I’ve learned.  Perhaps if you’ve experienced the same in your family, you will find this list helpful.  Some of these titles, I’ve read in the past and others are on my bookshelves right now.  Please comment on this list if you would like,  and tell me what you have enjoyed reading in the past.  Blessings to you as you train and disciple your children and Happy New Year!  ~Anne

1.   The Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek – Conservatives believe that individuals are best able to take care of themselves, and liberals believe that people need a government to take care of everyone.
