Reading Great Books

“Because life and time are short, we will be able to read only a few thousand books in our lifetimes. When we pick any book, we are ruling out hundreds and thousands of other books. How important it is, then, to choose time-proven great books that will [uplift and transform us], and enable us to rise to greater levels of truth and beauty and insight and understanding and, hence, spirituality. Many great men and women have found that a steady, systematic approach to literature has enabled them to fill their beings, in a lifetime of good reading, with the great thoughts of men and women of all the ages, for through reading great books we are put in touch with the great minds of all time, and we become their spiritual and intellectual heirs.” [George W. Pace]

“With regard to the kind of books that are read, great precaution should be used.  No doubt the destiny of individuals has very often been decided by volumes accidentally picked up and eagerly devoured at a period of life when every new impression is powerful and abiding.  For this reason, parents, or some guardian friends, should carefully examine every volume they put into the hands of young people.” [Mrs. Child 1831 Author of The Mothers Book]

The Hand That Rocks The Cradle

Our society has it’s priorities out of order. Our university professors,  politicians,  school teachers, and even our churches do not value the “Stay-at-Home” mother. Sadly, training up future leaders is not considered an important job. Loving and serving a family, keeping a home together, and teaching children is looked down upon. This author of The Hand that Rocks the Cradle, must have understood the high calling of motherhood.

Blessings on the hand of women!

Angels guard its strength and grace, In the palace, cottage, hovel,

Oh, no matter where the place;

Would that never storms assailed it, Rainbows ever gently curled;

For the hand that rocks the cradle,  Is the hand that rules the world.

Infancy’s the tender fountain,  Power may with beauty flow,

Mother’s first to guide the streamlets, From them souls unresting grow–

Grow on for the good or evil, Sunshine streamed or evil hurled;

For the hand that rocks the cradle  Is the hand that rules the world.

Woman, how divine your mission, Here upon our natal sod!

Keep, oh, keep the young heart open, Always to the breath of God!

All true trophies of the ages,  Are from mother-love impearled;

For the hand that rocks the cradle,  Is the hand that rules the world.

Blessings on the hand of women!

Fathers, sons, and daughters cry,

And the sacred song is mingled With the worship in the sky–
