A Complete Spiritual Diet

I count it a blessing to be able to attend a church where the pastor preaches and teaches the word of God passionately and without apology.  When I leave church on Sunday mornings I take great satisfaction in being encouraged as well as convicted and inspired to grow and learn more….to change and grow closer to the Lord.  It is so disheartening when  the gospel message is watered down and the sermon sounds more like a  self improvement or positive thinking course.  My husband and I are  grateful when we are able to discuss the sermons and then freely question the pastor on those that we feel confused about. We feel fortunate because clarification or infomation can mean the difference between growth or stagnation for us. We’ve never attended a church  before where the pastor encouraged questions from his congregation and made himself available…simply   by being  approachable most of the time.   This past week the sermon challenged me to think about the word of God differently.   This particular sermon was not one to easily forget, so I wanted to write about it.

Since I became a Christian I’ve always believed that the Bible was the word of God and that we should read it daily.  For some reason though,  I’ve felt like this was something I was doing “for God” or in order to please God.  It became something to put on a to-do list….it became legalistic. If I did not read it I felt guilty and asked God to forgive me.  Yet, the reading of God’s word is not for Him at all.  Reading God’s word is for my benefit….if I skip on this I am skipping my vitamins, my water, my protein, my milk and my meat.  I’m missing my sweets like delicious  honey and my carbohydrates or starches….I’m missing my bread for the day.

The Circle Game

Whenever I hear this old song, I feel somewhat melancholy and sad about life going by so quickly.  This lovely Joni Mitchell song makes me want to extend our homeschool years so that I can keep homeschooling my children forever.   Really though it makes me realize how fast the seasons pass, and although I want to hang on to the years, this is the Lord’s will for our lives here on this earth.  I’m so grateful for two things.  I’m blessed to be able to homeschool because the years do not rush by quite as fast…I’m also so grateful to know that this life is just the beginning.  This time on earth is simply a visit for us and we are pilgrims and strangers here.  Our true home is in heaven and we will live for eternity with our Lord.  Certainly this song makes me want to focus on the eternal, but it also causes me to drink in every moment here on earth with my family and those I love.  I want to cherish each moment with my boys and my husband knowing that these days will not last forever. I hope you enjoy this song…..which is a flash from the past…but to me it is a classic that will never go out of style!  ~Anne

(Be sure to turn off the website music before playing this song)


Yesterday, a child came out to wander
Caught a dragonfly inside a jar
Fearful when the sky was full of thunder
And tearful at the falling of a star
