Prayer For Egypt

I realize that today is Groundhog Day and Valentines day is around the corner, I have lessons to think about, laundry to fold and a kitchen to clean up…. but my thoughts are on Egypt tonight. I was surprised when I turned on the news  that the fighting is continuing…and seems to be worse today.  The President of Egypt,  Hasni Mubarak said that he would not run for office again and would soon step down.  I thought that his words would calm folks down but the uproar and chaos continues.  Now there are two groups fighting and hurting each other—those who are pro-Mubarak and those who are anti-Mubarak.  I don’t really understand what is going on and am not sure if the people want a democracy or not.  I know they are angry and living on very little money.   I’m afraid that  I do not know enough about this subject to be even discussing it intelligently. So now I will pray and ask the homechool community to join me.  The Lord cares about the kingdoms of this earth and he allows kings to rise and fall.  Let’s join hands together and pray for this very volatile region of the world. May God’s  will be done.
