Let’s Keep The Conversation Going

So many of our leaders,  celebrities, professors,  and news commentators  seem to have a deep need to keep reminding us that our America was not founded on Christian principles.  Why do they keep harping on this?  Why is it so important for them to wipe out Christianity from our lives?  Why do they insist on removing all remnants of it from our history books?  Folks like Bill Maher have ignorantly yet so confidently barked out his rude and vulgar comments  that our founders had no regard for the Bible at all. (I cannot use his exact words because of the vulgarity)   Is it as disturbing to you as it is to me that these folks would  like our true history to be wiped away?  I heard that even some school districts are going to remove American History from their course of study.    I wonder why they would want to do that?

Karl Marx, the father of Communism, said:  “Take away the heritage of a people, and they are easily persuaded.” In our public schools, our libraries, our universities, our media, our government, our entertainment, our churches,  and sadly even in  our own conversations this Godly heritage is often bypassed and many times purposely discarded.
