Tips for New Homeschoolers

I am no expert for sure…and  have my own share of struggles.  I have learned a few things on my homeschool journey though, and  I’d love to share them with you.  I’m hoping and praying that more folks will decide to homeschool their children…to train and disciple them in the ways of the Lord.  Homeschooling is hard on some days,  but for me it has been a wonderful fulfilling journey, with one   reward being  a close happy family life. Please consider this option for your family.  You will never regret making sweet memories together.  As you know, our children grow up very quickly…too fast for me. Homeschooling allows me to enjoy them a bit longer and gives them an opportunity to have the joys of childhood a bit longer as well!   Many Blessings,  Anne

1. Read as much as you can about homeschooling before you begin.  Subscribe to a few good magazines like Homeschool Enrichment & The Old Schoolhouse Magazine.

2. As you read keep a notebook of the ideas you like.  Try to form your own homeschool philosophy.  Don’t worry about it too much though because it will likely change as the years go on.

3. Remember you are homeschooling not copying the public school system.  You don’t need to sit at a desk all day, work until 3 o’clock or complete a bunch of workbooks.

4.Try to Relax, be flexible and enjoy your children. Work on building relationship with your children and making happy memories together.  Enjoy family life.
