Just A Thought…What About the Constitution?

Are there any abiding principles that should guide our government?

Most of us would consider the Constitution the source of those timeless principles but there are some who believe the document that established and guided this great country is outdated and should be discarded in favor of their more “modern” wisdom.

Liberal judges take a “Living Document” view of the Constitution—that is, it means what they want it to mean today—and they are constantly reinterpreting the text to accommodate their own vaulted view of what is good for the country. They see no problem with the government forcing you to buy a product or service against your will.

A second approach is taken by our President who has declared the document flawed or by our young intelligentsia represented by Washington Post writer Ezra Klein who said, “The constitution is impossible to understand because it is more than 100 years old.”

God save us from the intellectuals and elitists who think they know best.


Our “Typical” Homeschool Day

When my dear niece was thinking about homeschooling, she asked if she could observe a typical homeschool day in our house. I tried to explain that homeschooling is a lifestyle of living and learning together, and therefore each day looks different.  We have a routine…sort of…. but as we all know,  life often sabotages even the best schedules and planning.  We try to go with the flow…trusting that the Lord has his own plans for our lives.  For example, if we have any negative attitudes (including mine) or complaining we may have to allow extra time for a good talk, prayer, or even refreshment.  If we decide to have a play date or friends over for lunch (because homeschoolers never have socialization ;)) we need to be flexible about our schedule and allow time for cleaning and preparing for guests.  It all depends.  Taking all that into consideration, we actually do get to our book learning.

Our mornings begin with cooking….I call this “Life-Skills.”   My boys are little chefs now and are always asking to cook, so I allow them to make themselves comfortable in the kitchen.  Most days they prepare their own breakfasts and sometimes mine as well.  They prepare scrambled eggs and toast, cheese omeletts, English Muffins w/ sun or peanut butter, Tortillas with eggs & cheese or  bowl of cold cereal or frozen blueberries & milk.  I’m so delighted with their independence and know in my heart that these life-skill lessons are contributing to the fact that one day I will be out of a job!!!  That’s okay though….I would not want them to be dependent on me just so I felt needed.  Besides….I’m often achy in the morning and I really appreciate that they can take care of themselves. 😉
