Armed Citizens Deter Crime…Say The Swiss

I went to sleep with a heavy and anxious heart last night because of all the disturbing news stories I heard.  I’m so troubled about the folks who lost their lives in Arizona this weekend. My prayers go out to Congresswoman Gifford, the family of the innocent little 9 year old girl,  and the others who lost their lives because of the evil man who shot them.  Dear Lord please help these families and minister to them all. Please allow them to feel your comfort and somehow give them a measure of peace through all of this.  Please Lord draw them close to you so that they may experience a peace that the world cannot give.  Please heal Congresswoman Gifford and give the Doctors wisdom and guidance as they work diligently to bring her to a full recovery.  Amen.

Psalm 34:18 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Adding to the grief instead of helping, are those who are desperately trying to blame someone else (for political gain & power)  besides this man who did the treacherous act.  Some in the media are blaming the left….many more are blaming The Tea Party Folks, or Republicans or even  Sarah Palin!!  I’m surprised someone hasn’t put the blame on President Bush. Even though the murderer said his favorite book was the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kamph…..I’m not going to blame the reporters  on MSNBC or the Democratic Socialist party or Van Jones!!  No one is to blame except for this man himself who acted of his own free will.
