The Girl I Used To Be

When I was new bride and decided to be a keeper-at-home, I felt like I needed to defend my decision all the time. I was quite happy and content making a warm and cozy home, trying out new recipes, growing a garden, and helping care for my parents. But my friends, neighbors and even church questioned this decision and said I should be making money and building a career. Now though, as an older homeschool mom I feel so proud of my descision and very confident that caring for my husband, home, and children is a high calling and a wonderful career choice.

My dear husband and I will celebrate our 28th anniversary this year!! Our children are happy and we have a wonderful home life together. How could our culture actually believe that leaving our homes and working for a company is more important and valuable than devoting a life to the people you love the most ? Why do they value prestige and money over family and marriage? This poem reminds me of the girl I used to be.  If you feel as I do, I think you will enjoy reading this poem.  Blessings,  Anne

She came tonight as I sat alone

The girl I used to be.

And she gazed at me with her earnest eye
And questioned reproachfully:

Have you forgotten the many plans
And hopes I had for you?

The great career, the splendid fame,
all the wonderful things to do?
