The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry

Our family enjoyed watching The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry and I appreciated that the message of sharing the gospel with your neighbors and friends was loud and clear in this movie. At first I thought this would not be the best film for our family because the main character in the movie,  “Dustin”  seems obsessed with writing a note to a girl who he has a crush on. Although it seems to be the rage these days for young children to  date even in our church youth groups,  my husband and I reject this whole idea and feel that our culture and church are so wrong about this.  This film doesn’t promote or discourage  dating but focuses on the eternal. Eventually Dustin’s heart changes and he begins to care about the souls of those in his life including this little girl.  This film was definitely not like  The Wonder Years.…but I was afraid it was heading that way.   This film has many themes that may or may not be the best for your whole family. My husband was disappointed that there were no father’s in this film. Other than Jonathan Sperry who was more like a grandpa the Dad’s were completely absent in each boys family. My husband kept asking…”Where are the Dad’s while all of this is going on?”   Other  themes in this film  included bullying, death, heaven, hell, and adolescent “crushes.”
