Easy Cake Mix Cookies

Recently our local grocery stores have been selling Betty Crocker cake mixes for a dollar or less a box. When the cake mixes go on sale, I usually buy a few extra boxes to use during the year for Birthday cakes or even cookies. Do you have any boxed cake mixes in your pantry? If you are in the mood for delicious cookies instead of cake use your cake mix as a cookie mix. It’s super easy and you can be creative and experiment using different ingredients to make your cookies extra special. You can add nuts, raisins, dried cranberries, chocolate chips….or anything you have on hand that sounds good. Today I’m making a spice cake mix cookie and I will probably add walnuts…maybe chocolate chips or raisins.
Any kind of cake mix
2 Tbsp. water
2 eggs
1/2 cup oil
1 tsp. extract
1/2 cup pecans/walnuts/other

To fancy up the cookies you can Drop batter into bowl of confectioners sugar (about a tsp of batter per cookie, depending on size of cookie you want). Roll in sugar until it is in approximate shape of a ball. Cook at 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes.

Devils Food Cake is good with a small amount of almond extract. Yellow Cake Mix goes well with vanilla or lemon extract. Possibly White Cake Mix with almond extract.  For more recipes please visit  recipes and reflections.

A “Bit of Country” from a Pen-Pal

I received the nicest Christmas gift in the mail from a dear sister in the Lord whom I’ve never actually met.  We’ve been pen-friends for quite some time now and over the years she has sent me the most thoughtful packages that were most always so artful  and  home-spun.  Her homemade cards, and folksy gifts make me feel as though I’ve entered into her world for a while.  I’m allowed to leave my city life, make a cup of tea,  and escape for a short time as I pour over her homey letters and thoughtful gifts.

I admire this so much and hope to one day  make some of my gifts…or at least be more thoughtful about them.  She inspires me to jump off the shopping conveyor belt and leave the rat race of consumerism a bit.  Although I don’t think there is anything wrong with buying gifts,  the idea of making them seems to be more thought-out and down-to-earth. Even though we’ve never met she seems to know my heart longs for a bit of country life.

One year she made me a lovely country apron (that I wear nearly everyday) .  She told me that as she makes the aprons she prays for that person as she sews.  Is there any better gift than one sent with prayers?  I’d like to share with you some of nice things she put in the “Bit of Country” box she sent me.
