Sharing My Heart With You This Christmas

And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

The Christmas season makes me even more sentimental than I usually am. During this time of year usually unexpectedly, like while walking down an isle at Walmart,  I think about my Mom or Dad and the tears flow as I quickly wipe them away before anyone notices. How silly to be crying while looking at candles or Christmas napkins. I miss them so…. especially during this season. I also think about those family members and friends, dear to my heart who we are not able to see during the holidays for various reasons. I remember my neighbors and local friends and acquaintances that I wanted to be kind to during the year but for what ever reason, I neglected a visit, a call,  or a plate of cookies. My heart goes out to those who are fighting disease or are very ill right now. I have a friend in the City of Hope fighting Leukemia and a dear family friend who is fighting cancer. My prayers are that they would recover and grow spiritually and physically again. I think about my own family and want to make Christmas special for them. My husband….my dear Mother-in-law, my boys and my siblings. What about the friends at my husbands work? I can’t forget about his co-worker or his new supervisor. As the mail arrives, I receive lots of requests for Christmas gifts….the local rescue mission, Samaritans Purse, Missionary friends, food banks, World Vision, The disabled Veterans, and The American Bible Society. I feel overwhelmed each year as I work through all of these emotions and what I should do.
