When the god of Empiricism Fails, Science Blocks Its Ears

The Thinker-Auguste Rodin

Although our university professors, teachers, journalists, and media types take great pride in their “superior wisdom and knowledge,”  if you listen carefully to their words you will see that they do not have any interest in open dialogue, free expression of ideas, or finding the truth.  I believe that if they acknowledged the truth, they would eventually have to deal with their own sin and lifestyle choices.  They want to ignore the God of absolutes and serve their  gods created in their own image  in order to please themselves.  I struggle to express myself in writing, but Rev. Michael Bresciani explains this topic quite clearly. If you have a short attention span like I do, read this slowly a bit at a time and you will gain a deeper understanding and possibly be able to narrate this back one day to your liberal friends and progressive professors.  ~ Anne

In a recent report out of one American university students were advised not to debate with creationists about the origins of life. Debates have become a great medium just to bring the latest findings of creationism to the table. Secularisms academicians are now saying the best way to null the message is to ignore both it and the messengers. Does anyone remember why we call them universities?

Homemade Christmas Gifts From Your Kitchen

I hope you will enjoy the following recipes that can be prepared and given as gifts this holiday.

11 cups powdered dry milk
1 cup powdered sugar
11 ounces powdered non-dairy creamer
2 pounds instant chocolate drink mix
4 heaping tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
1 small box of instant chocolate pudding mix

Mix and store in an airtight container. Use 3 heaping tablespoons per 6-8 ounces of boiling water.

6 whole cloves
6 whole allspice berries
1 tsp dried orange rind
1 cinnamon stick, crushed

Cut two 4-inch squares of cheesecloth, place 1 on top of each other. Place cloves, allspice berries, orange rind and cinnamon on top, pull up corners and tie into bundle with string. Place in jar or mug. Makes 1 bundle, enough for 2 cups cider or apple juice.

To make: Pour 2 cups cider or apple juice in saucepan or microwaveable container. Place Cider Spice Bundle in cider. Heat just until boiling. Serve hot.

6 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons instant espresso coffee powder
3 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa
1-1/4 cups powdered nondairy creamer, plain or Irish cream
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

In a medium bowl, stir together espresso coffee powder, cocoa, nondairy creamer, sugar and cinnamon. Store tightly covered.

For the gift label:
“For each cup of cappuccino, measure 4 tablespoons mix into a coffee mug and stir in 6 oz. of boiling water.” Makes 2 1/2 cups of mix (enough to make 10 servings).

What Price Would You Pay?

Of all the articles written by Rev. Bresciani, this is the most important to read and take to heart. If you read nothing else on this site, read this and then say “Yes” to the Savior.  I promise you will never be the same and Christ will take you on an amazing journey with Him.  I will even send you a free Bible if you contact me.  Many Blessings,  Anne

Modern films often jump forward and back in time in what are called flashbacks. Some movies actually start off in the last scene and then revert to the beginning to show how all the events have lead up to the final scene. I want to give the final message of this article and perhaps all of my articles to you now because you may do as I do and put off the completion of your reading for weeks, months or maybe forever.

I could not live with that outcome but even worse, neither could you. This is the final message. You can and will live forever. The whereabouts of your final abode is the only choice you will be able to make, not whether you will live forever.

I give this advice about your choice knowing it is your only choice. Forgive me if I sound over confident, uppity or even foolish. Jesus said “And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.”(Lk 6:31) I would be grateful to any man who wanted to warn me of an eternal destiny in total suffering, torment or darkness. I don’t ask for anyone’s gratefulness, only their ears.
