A Home~Edgar Albert Guest

It takes a heap o’ livin’ in a house t’ make it home,
A heap o’ sun an’ shadder, an’ ye sometimes have t’ roam
Afore ye really ’preciate the things ye lef’ behind,
An’ hunger fer ’em somehow, with ’em allus on yer mind.
It don’t make any differunce how rich ye get t’ be,
How much yer chairs an’ tables cost, how great yer luxury;
It ain’t home t’ ye, though it be the palace of a king,
Until somehow yer soul is sort o’ wrapped round everything.

Home ain’t a place that gold can buy or get up in a minute;
Afore it’s home there’s got t’ be a heap o’ livin’ in it;
Within the walls there’s got t’ be some babies born, and then 
Right there ye’ve got t’ bring ‘em up t’ women good, an’ men;
And gradjerly, as time goes on, ye find ye wouldn’t part
With anything they ever used—they’ve grown into yer heart:
The old high chairs, the playthings, too, the little shoes they wore
Ye hoard; an’ if ye could ye’d keep the thumbmarks on the door.

Ye’ve got t’ weep t’ make it home, ye’ve got t’ sit an’ sigh
An’ watch beside a loved one’s bed, an’ know that Death is nigh;
An’ in the stillness o’ the night t’ see Death’s angel come,
An’ close the eyes o’ her that smiled, an’ leave her sweet voice dumb.
Fer these are scenes that grip the heart, an’ when yer tears are dried,
Ye find the home is dearer than it was, an’ sanctified;
An’ tuggin’ at ye always are the pleasant memories
O’ her that was an’ is no more—ye can’t escape from these.

Keep on Track with Jesus

My husband and I have been friends with a dear couple who have been involved in Children’s Ministries for decades of their lives.  They have no children of their own but have dedicated their lives to other people’s  children expecting nothing in return but only the hope that these little one’s would say “Yes” to the Savior and begin a journey of following Christ.  They are also big train  buffs and each year have the children help them set up a huge train display with the theme “Keep on Track with Jesus.”

The Children learn new “Railroad Words” while they gain an understanding of the Gospel.  When you “Derail” you are in sin and off the track.  When you “Repent” you change direction with the help of the Lord.  “Confess”.… You actually tell on yourself and your heart becomes clean again. You are “Forgiven” and welcomed back.  Then finally you “Re-rail”.… You are back on track and begin to grow spiritually.

In order to keep on track with Jesus you must:

1. Let GOD be the source of your “power.” Matthew 29:19 tells us that All power is given to Me (Christ) in heaven and on earth….Therefore, Go and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey all that I’ve commanded you…Remember, I am with you always.

2. When you de-rail, confess and then get back on the track. (1 John 1 :9)  If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Baked Beans from Scratch

1 lb. dried navy beans

1 onion, chopped

1/4 cup-1/2 c. packed brown sugar

2  Tbsp. molasses

2 Tbsp. ketchup

1/2 tsp, dry mustard

1-1/2 tsp. salt

8oz. bacon, crisp-cooked and crumbled

Soak beans overnight. Drain and rinse. Stir in the onion, brown sugar molasses, ketchup, dry mustard and salt into the beans.  Add additional water if needed. Simmer covered for 5 hours.  Stir in cooked bacon.  Simmer 1 hour longer.

If you prefer,  after the beans are soaked, mix with remaining ingredients and pour into a 2 qt casserole with a tight fitting lid. Bake covered at 300 for 3-4 hours.  Stir occasionally and add boiling water too dry.
