Monetizing Our Debt

Since our homeschooling journey has only brought us up to early Jr. High-school, we have not studied economics yet.  I’m so ignorant when it comes to this subject…..and I have no business even discussing this.  I’m embarrassed at my own lack of knowledge  but am bound and determined to add economics to our course of study in the future.  Perhaps though,  if I write about it,   I will begin to understand it more.  Possibly,   there are other homeschool families reading this who are interested as well….maybe we can pray about this and seek the Lord’s wisdom  and guidance for our families.

My friend and I were chatting today about our economy and what the Federal Reserve has been doing this month.  We used different analogies to try to understand what is going on.    She said that what the FED did this week was like trying to fill up your empty water well with your hose.  It was like playing a game of monopoly and just taking all the money you want from the bank when you are losing the game.  Our government has pulled 600 billion dollars from a carpet bag  just  like Mary Poppins did.
