Singing His Praises This Thanksgiving

In the autumn of 1621, grateful Pilgrims declared a three-day feast to celebrate God’s provision and faithfulness. This festival gave birth to the holiday we observe today. May we have grateful hearts as we remember His faithfulness this year just as the Pilgrims did so long ago.

This Thanksgiving I will remember Him and praise him together with my family and friends. We have been so blessed. God has provided our every need. He has blessed our families with food, clothes and shelter. He has given us beautiful children and faithful husbands. He has allowed us to homeschool our children and teach them about his goodness. He has allowed us to live in a Country where we are free to worship him as we please. He is faithful, wonderful,  holy and good God. We do not deserve these blessings and yet in his kindness and mercy he bestows them upon us. He sends rain and sunshine upon the just and the unjust. He sends us children to give us joy and hope for the future. Even if our wombs are empty he blesses us with children to love and care for through adoption. He gives us grandparents who love and adore their grandchildren. He gives us grandparents to love and care for as well. He gives us wonderful books to read and blesses us with happy joy filled days in cozy homes. Above all he gives us his word,  the Holy Bible,  to use as our compass and guide during our journey in this world. He gives us his salvation through the ultimate sacrifice of his only Son. There are no words that can adequately express how good He is to us. This Thanksgiving I sing out Hallelujah….Hallelujah….Praise His Holy Name.
