The Sack Lunch

I received this in an email and it touched my heart so deeply that I wanted to share it with you all. This story reminded me of a time that my boys and I stopped at Carls’s Jr. for lunch one day.  It was crowded and the kids from the local highschool were all hanging out there.  These kids were boisterous and rude. They were dressed like punks with their pants falling down.  I  made my boys hold my hand because I was sort of  frightened by the rowdy behavior of the teens.  Standing in striking contrast to the teens was   a young soldier who was waiting for his order.   He was clean cut and handsome.  The contrast between this self controlled neat looking soldier and the punkish kids was so remarkable that I never forgot it. It almost seemed like he did not belong there…as if he stepped out of another culture somewhere in time.  I wanted to to shake the soldiers  hand and thank him.  I wanted to buy him lunch, but I was too shy.  My own insecurities kept me from doing the right thing.  I will always regret this, and now whenever I see a soldier, I stop and thank them.  Next time I’m buying him lunch. ~Anne

The Sack Lunch

I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my assigned seat. It was going to be a long flight. ‘I’m glad I have a good book to read. Perhaps I will get a short nap,’ I thought.
