Pre-Election Blues

Probably because of the election coming up on Nov 2, I’m feeling very distracted and somewhat melancholy these days.  I’m not as heavy-hearted as I was the day after the last Presidential election, but I guess my pessimistic nature is sensing gloom and doom for our America.  Because of the apathy and lack of knowledge I see in my own circles as well as in the media,  I feel as though the progressives will probably be able to continue with their evil agenda for America.  I feel like we are on a sinking ship and no one cares to know,  or even talk about it.
I’m not saying that I have all this understanding….I’m ashamed of myself as well,  but I am desperate to learn and always willing to talk, listen, pray, and read about what’s going on in our country right now.  Most importantly, I am willing to take 20 minutes to fill out my sample voter ballot and vote!!  I heard today that the elections in in Afghanistan (where you could face death) have a 98% voter turn out.  What is wrong with us!!!

For reasons that dumbfound me, many Americans do not vote. However, the average  hardworking American family, although lacking an Ivy league education, knows right from wrong and we know when we have been duped.  We know that this administration is not looking out for us.
