
I found this recipe in Taste of Home magazine.  These bars look delicious and are packed full of  wholesome and healthy ingredients.  I’m going to make some up soon.

5 1/2 c. quick-cooking oats

1 c. chopped almonds

1 egg beaten

2/3 c. melted butter

1/2 c. honey

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1/2 c. sunflower kernels

1/2 c. flaked coconut

1/2 c. chopped dried apples

1/2 c. dried cranberries

1/2 c. packed brown sugar

1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon

Combine oats and almonds in a greased baking pan and bake for 15 minutes at 350.  Combine egg, butter, honey and vanilla.  Stir in sunflower seeds, coconut, apples, cranberries, brown sugar and cinnamon.  Stir in oat mixture.  Press into a 15×10 in. baking pan coated with cooking spray or butter.  Bake at 350 for 15-18 min. until edges are lightly browned.  Cool on a wire rack.  Cut into bars.  Store in airtight container.  Makes 3 dozen.  130 calories, 2 gms fiber, 16 carbs, 2 gms protein.

Sally Haen -Wisconsin

And Can It Be That I Should Gain

I just love to worship the Lord  with music,  and I enjoy many styles of music.  In my opinion though,  the old hymns are  so deep and  full of food for our hungry souls.  If we can slow down a bit, and listen carefully to the words….drink them in,  and know that they are  rich in doctrine and full of praise, we will be nourished and ministered to.  I enjoy some of the modern worship tunes,  but these old hymns take me up to heaven sometimes!!  As this choir sings,  listen to the words of this one by Charles Wesley.  Even though it was written so long ago,  it’s message is timeless and can minister to us today in our modern  world.  God’s love for us is indeed amazing.  My heart is overwhelmed and filled with Joy when I take these words in.   I hope you will enjoy this hymn as much as I do.  My boys are always calling me a cry baby….and I am.  I can hardly get through this one without blubbering.  Let me know how you do. 🙂  (Don’t forget to turn the website music off before listening)  Blessings,  Anne

And can it be that I should gain
an interest in the Savior’s blood!
Died he for me? who caused his pain!
For me? who him to death pursued?
Amazing love! How can it be
that thou, my God, shouldst die for me?
Amazing love! How can it be
that thou, my God, shouldst die for me?
