No Time for Politics

"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale

This is the year of our more relaxed schedule; a school year that we are giving ourselves permission to step away from the textbooks in order to learn more about life.  We are calling it our learning lifestyle. We are still using a math textbook and keeping our reading and writing lessons up but we are allowing more time for extra curricular activities and life skills.

Recently, our oldest son  has been expressing a deep desire to volunteer at the Republican headquarters. He seems to be very interested in politics and is extremely  eager  to offer his services.   My husband and I want to encourage this interest and hope he will learn and grow through the experience.   Because we usually do things as a family, we are all volunteering by making telephone calls, walking precincts, and passing out fliers.  We will continue to do this for the next few weeks until Nov 2. After this we will  re-evaluate.
