Voddie on “Brokenness”

My husband and I have been blessed by the ministry of Voddie Baucham. We  attended a conference on “Family Driven Faith” and Multigenerational Faithfulness and have watched many of his sermons. He is extremely popular right now especially with homeschool families.  Voddie is a husband, father, pastor, author, professor, conference speaker and church planter.  He is currently serving at a family integrated fellowship in Spring Texas.

Voddie has an amazing an unique testimony. He did not come to know  Christ until his freshman year in college and was raised by a single Mom who was of the Buddhist faith.  He was given the gospel and then discipled by two teammates on the Rice University football team. I heard him discuss his conversion and remember him saying that he fell down upon his face and prayed something like “God, whatever my friend has….that’s what I want. ”

Dr. Baucham holds many  degrees from various Baptist Universities and Seminaries and he studied at Oxford.  What impresses me though is his devotion to his family and children, and his passion for the Lord.  He is also very passionate about homeschooling from a Biblical perspective and does not support the charter school programs for Christian families.

Voddie and his wife, Bridget have been married since 1989. They have five children, Jasmine, Trey, Elijah, Asher and Judah.

This sermon on “Brokenness” is by far my favorite.  I hope you will enjoy it as well!

Be sure to turn off the website music before beginning the video.  ~Anne

When did PC, Tolerance, and Diversity become Laziness and Lying?


Give yourself a treat by taking some time to SLOWLY read this article and let it sink in.  I hope it will bless you…. and you will enjoy reading it as much as I did.  ~Anne

French poet and essayist, Paul Valery 1871-1945, said “The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be.” Those who look back longingly to fairer days agree with Valery but who could have seen a time when changes would become so radical that temporality and periodicity itself would become a form of entertainment?

Newness and news has become entertainment and an acceptable form of distraction for millions today, but it is far from being anything new. The ancient Greeks were caught up with news so much so, that when the Apostle Paul visited Athens he was considered a novelty because of an all new concept he put forth called, the “resurrection from the dead,” and one Jesus Christ who Paul said had accomplished it.

“For all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing.” (Acts 17:21)

A modern world presumes that God is static and if he exists at all he has limped into the backwaters of importance and scope. His word or his message, they are convinced, has also taken a backseat to the musings of modernity’s hot pursuit of all that is deemed as empirical, nascent and timely.
