The Three Golden Gates

This article made me pause and think about whether or not I considered all three of these “Golden Gates” in my conversations, my  postings, or even when I teach my children.  It also reminded me of times when folks have used words that are unkind, or unnecessary and how they have hurt me for many years. The Bible reminds us that careless words stab like a sword, but the words of wise people bring healing. (Proverbs 12:18)

My boys and I read through this article and talked about each “Golden Gate.”  We discussed how we could apply this in our lives with our family,  friends, neighbors and even strangers.

I pray that the Lord will forgive me for not holding my tongue when I should,  for being unkind sometimes, for bringing up subjects that are not profitable or edifying, and sometimes even keeping silent when the Lord calls me to stand up for truth and righteousness.  Amen. ~Anne

Someone once told me that if you found something good to say that you should never be afraid to repeat it.

Men will quote the Bible long after I’m gone and the words of people like Abraham Lincoln or George Washington will be repeated countless times but no one will say when its time to quit repeating their sayings. Such words are never put to rest they are only passed on to others; they belong to humanity they are legacy and wisdom and will never cease to salt the earth. Here are some of the best words I have heard in my brief stay on this old planet.

The Idol of Personal Peace and Affluence~Schaeffer

I hope you will enjoy this 3 part series by Francis Schaeffer.  As I watch him, I’m amazed at his insight and understanding and astonished  to see so much of what he talked about come to pass right in our White House today.  Unfortunately,  many of the radicals from the 60’s received their law degrees and ran for office.  Now we are facing a fundamental change in our America and we may lose our republic and way of life.  Knowing that the Lord is in control and He will never leave or forsake those who fear Him, my heart can be at peace regardless of  what happens in our world.  Please turn off the website music before beginning video. ~Anne

A Christian Manifesto~ By Francis Schaeffer


This address by the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer in 1982 is based on one of his books; A Christian Manifesto. I will be adding more of this address in our Library section. ~Anne

Christians, in the last 80 years or so, have only been seeing things as bits and pieces which have gradually begun to trouble them and others, instead of understanding that they are the natural outcome of a change from a Christian World View to a Humanistic one; things such as overpermissiveness, pornography, the problem of the public schools, the breakdown of the family, abortion, infanticide (the killing of newborn babies), increased emphasis upon the euthanasia of the old and many, many other things.

All of these things and many more are only the results. We may be troubled with the individual thing, but in reality we are missing the whole thing if we do not see each of these things and many more as only symptoms of the deeper problem. And that is the change in our society, a change in our country, a change in the Western world from a Judeo-Christian consensus to a Humanistic one. That is, instead of the final reality that exists being the infinite creator God; instead of that which is the basis of all reality being such a creator God, now largely, all else is seen as only material or energy which has existed forever in some form, shaped into its present complex form only by pure chance.
