Good Advice

I received this very practical and yet quite obvious list in an email from a friend.  These bits of advice should be a way of life for us all.  I wish I could remember just a few of these…..if I did I think I would be happier and do a better job serving the Lord and my family.  I struggle with going to bed early, and taking one day at a time.  Some times I worry about things that I have no control over.  I often try to fix things without first asking for the Lords help. Instead of just realizing my own limitations,  I’ll have 2 or 3 things going on at once.   Should I really try to prepare a special dessert, talk on the phone, clean  the kitchen,  fold  laundry,  and  answer math questions all at the same time?  Why can’t I just slow down and  concentrate on the task at hand? When will I acknowledge  #35 on this list that  “I am not the general manager of the universe” 😉  Perhaps all of our “multi-tasking” isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.  Well, anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this list.  Blessings,  ~Anne

1. Pray
2. Go to bed on time.
3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.
4. Say  “No”  to projects that won’t fit into your time schedule, or that will compromise your mental health.
