Family Mission Statement (Revised)

I can see that the whole process of writing a family mission statement is just as important as the product.  My husband and I have been talking about family life together!!  This is a good thing!!  To homeschool mom types like me,  this is a bit of heaven.  Having my honey talk about family goals  is a delight to my soul and it gives me great  hope.   Anyway, have a look at my revisions if you’d like.

Our family desires to honor and glorify our Lord Jesus and serve Him wholeheartedly.  We aim to know Him better, by gaining a thorough understanding of the Bible, and by seeking wisdom and instruction from Him every single day. We aspire to share His love with others through practicing hospitality, performing acts of service, and by sharing the gospel message with our neighbors and community.

We want to nurture and encourage a strong family bond and have a peaceful, warm, and relaxing home that can be a physical and emotional shelter for our family and loved ones. We will consistently work on creating happy memories and family traditions that will encourage family togetherness and strengthen our relationships. We will work together to keep our home tidy, organized and welcoming to guests.

We strive to have a home that is full of joy and free from strife and arguing, yet allowing for  honesty and communication.  We will be mindful of our biblical foundations and family rules while we are alone or while we have house guests. We will make it a habit to apologize and seek forgiveness when we have been unfair or unkind.  We will be quick to  forgive one another remembering how much we have been forgiven by our Lord Jesus.

Our Family Mission Statement

My husband and I have been talking about family mission statements for several months now.  When we first began homeschooling,  I wrote up a homeschooling mission statement and tucked it away in a filing box.  I didn’t understand back then that a mission statement needs to be displayed, read over,  and talked about often.

This statement is a rough draft and will probably be changed  as I think about it more.  I thought I’d share it with you all so that perhaps you will be inspired to make up your own unique family mission statement or at least begin thinking about it.  I started by just jotting down what I wanted to include. While  I have a tendency to ramble on and on,  my husband is more concise. You should have seen what my original statement looked like before my husband eliminated some of its wordiness!  Even though this is still a bit “wordy”, it seems to be incomplete to me.  I’ll probably have to add more over the next few months….then my hubby can simplify it again. ; ) ~Anne

Our family desires to honor and glorify our Lord Jesus and serve Him wholeheartedly.  We aim to know Him better, by gaining a thorough understanding of the Bible, and by seeking wisdom and instruction from Him every single day. We aspire to share His love with others through practicing hospitality, performing acts of service, and by sharing the gospel message with our neighbors and community.
