How Then Shall We Live?

I’ve been riding my recumbent exercise bike to  the “How Then Shall We Live” DVD series by Francis Shaeffer. It’s a wonderful feeling to  exercise your body and brain together….sadly I’ve neglected both over the years. One of the perks of homeschooling though,  is that I get to have a second chance at an education. I am highly motivated this time around because I want to mentor my children.  I figure as long as I stay a week ahead it will all work out. ; )

I am thoroughly enjoying Francis Schaeffer’s  series on the rise and decline of Western thought and culture. It  surveys history—from the Roman Empire through the 20th century—and offers biblical answers to modern problems. Francis Shaeffer comes across slightly highfalutin and somewhat eccentric , but what he expresses is rich and worthy of taking note and learning.   He’s basically helping to reinforce or introduce a Christian worldview while discussing the history of western civilization. I’m grateful to Francis Shaeffer for leaving this series for us all and am eager to learn what I can about this subject. Although this series is excellent, I think I’m going to wait until my boys are in highschool before adding it to their lesson plans.  ~Anne
