"A Change We Can Hardly Endure"

It is clear that a major shift has occurred in the American way of life in the last two years. For over 230 years we were involved in the question of how we could best make our mark in the world. Much more than mere foreign policy we had to “let our light” shine because the entire world was watching.

Few Americans in today’s political and moral climate have any doubt that our light has seriously dimmed. At no time in our history more than now does it appear that we have brought on an administration that seems to think that it has been given a mandate to make its mark on America. More than a “change” we can believe in, this has become a change we can hardly endure.

We have taken to reeling instead of standing as an example to the rest of the world. This administration is spending like a drunk out on the town all the while blaming the former administration for the deficits it is incurring. Liberal’s dimmest minds have conspired to advance their long awaited agenda on a citizenry that was always suspicious of it and of late has begun to cringe at its application.

Missouri has emphatically declared that being forced to buy insurance coverage from the fed under Obamacare is an idea whose time must not be allowed to come. Arizona remains defiant under the brave leadership of Jan Brewer even as that state is nearly under siege from a foreign power. Seven million people in California have been upstaged by one homosexual judge who thinks their carefully placed votes have no voice at all in the will of the people.
