Didn't we vote on this…..twice?

I felt discouraged this week because the voters in California were dismissed and ignored again.

I remember voting on upholding the definition of marriage to be between a man and a woman twice in California.

It shouldn’t  surprise me though, our leaders are corrupt and our citizens are mostly  apathetic and uninformed…..unless they are a part of the  militant minority who are bound and determined to win whether they have the support of the majority or not.  Even if they have to ignore what the voters decided, they will pursue their agenda and continue to  undermine public opinion.

I feel like they will eventually win,  and marriage will never be the same.  Perhaps “groups”  will be able to marry;  polygamists as well.  Perhaps folks could one day marry their sister,  or child or their cat.  What?  Cats should have all of the rights that humans have shouldn’t they? I’m sure that Cass Sunstein, Obama’s Science Czar would agree with that.  After all he believes that animals should be able to sue their owners.  Oh, and trees should be allowed to sue their owners as well.  Perhaps one day we will be able to marry our favorite tree?
