Still Enjoying summer; Pondering Fall.

Even though I’m still enjoying  summer with my boys, I know the weeks are flying by and I must begin thinking about our fall schedule.  I’m resisting though,  because I want to   have  experienced an old fashioned summer break before I do my planning.  We have not taken a vacation like so many families do because of lack of funds, and  we’ve only gone to the beach once.  We have had quite a few swim days though, and have been enjoying having friends over for lunch and summer fun.

Each year  I write up a “schedule”,  and post it on our bulletin board. Perhaps  I should call it a routine,  to be more accurate, but we  refer to it during the day in order to stay on task. Eventually, we settle into a groove and this  plan becomes the new “normal”  for our days,  and we do not need to refer to it as much.

This summer as I contemplate the next school year,  I can tell I’m changing a bit.  I’m not sure if it is because I am getting older,  or because my boys are growing so fast, but I’m re-thinking my homeschooling goals.

I’m really enjoying this season of our lives,  and my boys are such a delight for my husband and I.  I know that times could get harder,  and I won’t be smug,  because the teen years often bring new challenges for parents,   but 10 and 12 have sure been  a pleasure for us.  My boys are changing, becoming more self-governed and independent,  but are still so sweet and kind…funny and pleasant to be with.  We feel so blessed. I don’t want these days to end.

Baked Chicken Nuggets

Several years ago I hosted a potluck baby shower and one of the Mother’s brought yummy chicken nuggets in a pretty napkin  lined basket.  She also had a dipping sauce with them. They were a healthy and delicious treat and we all enjoyed them.


1/2 Cup fine, dry Breadcrumbs

1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese

1/2 Teas. dried basil, thyme

1/4 Teas sea salt

4 Skinned and boned chicken breast halves, cut into 1 inch pieces.

1 cup melted butter

Combine first 5 ingredients in a heavy zip lock bag. Seal and shake. Dip chicken in butter and shake a few pieces at a time into breadcrumb mixture. Place chicken on a greased baking sheet. Bake at 400 for 20 minutes or until browned. Serves about 4.

Honey-Mustard Dipping Sauce

1 cup honey

1/2 cup Dijon mustard

Combine the honey and mustard. This sauce is best when prepared a day or two ahead of time. It may be served at room temperature. Makes 1 1/2 cups.

Sweet and Sour Sauce

1/2 cup ketchup

1/2 cup white vinegar

1/2 cup sugar

Combine all ingredients and heat until hot and the sugar has dissolved. Serve warm or at room temperature. This sauce may be prepared a few days in advance and warmed before serving. Makes 1 1/2 cups.
