National Day of Prayer ruled Unconstitutional

April, 2010,  U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb ruled that the National Day of Prayer was unconstitutional saying it violates the first Amendment prohibition against laws respecting an establishment of religion.  A group of atheists from Freedom from Religion Foundation brought this case to the courts and they were rejoicing at this major victory.   Shame on Barbara Crabb.  I’d like to ask her which religion was chosen for this day of prayer?  Did we all have to attend the First Baptist church in order to pray?  We’re we required to go to our local mosque on this day to pray?  Which denomination did we have to join in order to pray,  Ms. Crabb?  Which religion was established on the national day of prayer?

Perhaps Judge Crabb  did not read about our Founding Fathers.  Perhaps she does not know the heritage of our beloved country.  Perhaps she does not realize that 95% of our founders were religious and wanted free expression of religion in the public square and in our government. She must not know that 95% of the signers of the Declaration of Independence  were Christians and we have their own writings and many documents to prove this.  Our founders did not want any particular denomination to become the established religion of the land for sure.  But they did not want religious expressions to be hid under a bushel.  I know that John Hancock wanted true freedom of religion for America as well.
