Joel..Boy of Galilee by Anne Fellows Johnston

When my boys and I read Joel, A Boy of Galilee, it seemed as though we stepped into the days of Jesus during his time of ministry on earth.  Although this is considered historical fiction, it seemed so real that you were almost  compelled to look in the scriptures for certain events.  Through the eyes of a young boy named Joel, you are able to walk the streets of Capernaum, see the miracles of Christ, observe the personalities of the disciples, understand the hypocrisy of the pharisees and religious leaders, and best of all look into the loving eyes of a Savior and friend.  When Joel looked into the eyes of Jesus  the Nazarene, he was never the same again.  This book is another that will draw you closer to the Savior.  He becomes so real that you wish you could have walked with Him as Joel did in this book.  I’d love to read this one again. ~Anne

The Letter of Columbus to Luis De Sant Angel Announcing His Discovery

The following letter was written by Columbus, near the end of his return voyage, to Luis de Sant Angel, Treasurer of Aragon, who had given him substantial help in fitting out his expedition. This announcement of his discovery of the West Indies was evidently intended for the eyes of Ferdinand and Isabella. The text of the present translation is taken from American History Leaflets, edited by Professors Hart and Channing.

You can download the entire letter in PDF format.


Hinds Feet on High Places (for Children)

My children and I were so blessed by this faith building allegory written by Hannah Hurnard.  In fact, we read it several years ago and I am excited about reading it again.  Hinds Feet reminds me of Pilgrims Progress but instead of following Christian to the celestial city,  you follow a young girl who is called “Much Afraid” to the High Places where perfect love casts out fear.  “Much afraid”  has so much to overcome.  She has a crippled foot, horrible relatives, and faces so many dangers and snares as she attempts to  faithfully follow the chief shepherd.

This book can be used as a devotional; has memory verses and prayers in it for each day.  I loaned my copy …and can’t remember who has it so I think I’m going to just get another copy for my library. This book is not “twaddle” for sure and will be passed to my grandchildren…Lord willing.   I believe you will grow closer to the good shepherd and learn how much he loves you as you read this lovely book with your children.   ~Anne
