Old Yeller

Finding good,  wholesome, character building books that enforce the values  we are trying to impart to our boys can be challenging,  but we have found that the older books fit our ideals more closely.  I would say that Old Yeller is one of the good books to read at least once.

My boys enjoyed the exciting plot which included wolf attacks, wild bulls, bear attacks,  and fighting off those pesky raccoons who are stealing from the corn patch.  The main character Travis, a fourteen year old boy,  learns to take care of the family farm while his father is away. He also  learns to love and care for an old yeller dog while he does this  man size job for his mom.  Travis takes on the responsibilities of his father and matures through all the trials he encounters and tough decisions he has to make.   He learns the hard lesson that his Dad tries to explain, ” Now and then, for no good reason, life will haul off and knock a man flat, life is unfair and cruel at times but  we must learn to concentrate on the positive things and not waste time worrying about the bad things.”  Although Old Yeller is full of adventures that most boys love to read about, it is a sweet and sentimental story as well….that most Mom’s will  enjoy.  The Disney Movie of Old Yeller is  sweet as well, and a good family movie night selection.

Give Me Liberty or Give me Death!

This summer my children and I have been reading Our Country’s Founders by William J. Bennett.  This book which is called “A Book of Advice for Young People”,  highlights  speeches, poems, and famous documents of our Founding Fathers.  Patrick Henry’s  famous “Give me Liberty” speech caught my attention.  Although his speech was about the tyranny of the King, so much of it today could be applied to our President and representatives in office right now. Despite  all of the pleading, protesting, letters,  and petitions,  the will of the people has been discounted over and over again. Bills have been  passed without being read, the Tea Party folks are demonized, and  common citizens honest questions are mocked and dismissed.  Our Constitution is disregarded  and even the rule of law is ignored. As you read over this famous speech given on March 23, 1775, think about what’s going on in our America today.

May God have mercy upon our beloved country and heal our Land.  May our leaders humble themselves before the Lord, seek his face,  and seek guidance and wisdom. Even Benjamin Franklin acknowledged that God does indeed govern in the affairs of men.

No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House. But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope that it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen, if, entertaining as I do opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely and without reserve.
