Dinner Dilemma?

It is not uncommon for my best friend to call me in the evening, just about dinner time  and say, I don’t know what to make for dinner…I’m in such a cooking rut…..or I’m too tired to make dinner. I know exactly how she feels and so together we figure out something that she can quickly prepare that is easy and healthy.

Now these ideas are not anything extraordinary or fancy and we both acknowledge that our dinner dilemma is a result of our own lack of planning, still though….knowing this,  we come up with ideas that satisfy our families and fill their tummies. ~Anne

These are some of our top 20 dinner dilemma meals.

*  Egg & Cheese Burritos, Fruit

*  Chicken Salad Sandwiches, Raw Veggies w/ ranch dip

*  Angel hair pasta w/ Parmesan cheese & Garlic, steamed broccoli

*  Bean & Cheese Burritos or Quesadilla’s, Avacado or Salsa

*  French Toast, Fruit

*  Baked Potatoes w/ toppings (chili, broccoli & cheese or salsa)

*  Leftovers (warm up whatever you have and buffet style it!)

*  Ramen noodles w/ veggies or chicken added

*  Grilled cheese sandwiches & Tomato Soup

*  Cheese Egg Omelets, Toast, Fruit

*  White Chicken Chile ( canned navy beans, left over chicken, jack cheese)

*  Buttered noodles w/ chopped broccoli

*  Fried eggs & potatoes w/onion, (use left over potatoes and fry them up        w/ an onion….add an egg to brown nicely)

Free Software for your PC (Yes Free)

Hello Families:
With the costs to homeschooling families on the rise,  and with the economy being as bad as it is,  many families are having to make cutbacks.   I thought I’d write a few articles here to point you to some freebies on the internet (I assume you have internet access since your reading this)  Hopefully,  this will help take some of the sting out of your wallet.

First off, no one who ventures out into the internet should be online without a good anti virus program.  Viri are everywhere and even sites you might not suspect, have stuff embedded in them to try and either take control of your PC or glean information that could lead to identity theft.

This brings us to my first set of web goodies.  There are several good anti virus programs that are FREE!  Yes you read that right FREE. Avast is the software I currently run on my systems and have had great success with it.  It’s easy to install,  and it is updated almost nightly with new definitions to keep the baddies at bay.  There is also AVG another great free anti virus program that is also free.  Both will require you to register, but they if they just want an email for the price of an Anti Virus program…what the heck.  Oh,  I recommend you setup a free Gmail account just for this purpose.  Pointing all those free software programs to Gmail address keeps them happy and your inbox clear of any ads or notices that these companies may send out.
