Voddie on Parenting

I’ve been listening to preachers and teachers for many years now and I’m cautious about recommending them to others.  The longer I’ve walked with the Lord, the more I’ve come to realize that my trust belongs in Christ alone. My faith is in Christ and his word and I no longer put preachers and teachers…. or anyone at all,   on a pedestal like I used to when I was a young Christian. They never asked to be put on a pedestal…I did this on my own, and I was wrong. That being said, I appreciate the good teaching that I have been able to hear from Voddie Baucham; he has been such an encouragement to me and my husband. We don’t agree 100% with all of his theology,  but we feel so blessed by much of what he has to say about parenting and family life. The following quotes are some of my favorite about family living. ~Anne

~Many Christians believe the best thing they can do for their family is provide them with more stuff. So we continue to accumulate as though accumulation is the answer. All the while our children are screaming at us from beneath the piles of untouched toys and unworn clothes begging for a few minutes of our time. Time we simply don’t have because we are too busy trying to find that one thing we can add to the pile that will make the screaming stop.
